Watch the legacy of Steve Jobs in products
As Steve Jobs passed away, we might like to watch his legacy that remains in his products, impersonating the vision and ideas of one of the greatest tech innovators of our time. Some will remember him for the incredibly thin MacBook Air introduced in 2008, some will relate to him when they look at their iPods, some will cherish the unique experience of a tablet with the iPad, but most will certainly never forget the iPhone.
There are many people behind those products: Jonathan Ive is probably the most important figure with his Dieter Rams inspired minimalistic designs, but so is Phil Schiller with his marketing pitch, and Scott Forstall pushing iOS software. There are many more faces that we don’t see behind an Apple product, but there has always been one to unite them - Steve Jobs.
Here are the videos of the product that Steve Jobs introduce to us.
iMac - 1998
iPod - 2001
Mac mini - 2005
MacBook Pro - 2006
iPhone - 2007
MacBook Air - 2008
iPad - 2010
Update: A special event filmed live at Apple's corporate campus entitled "Celebrating Steve,", was published by the company on its website on Sunday, allowing the world to see how Apple said goodbye to its late co-founder, Steve Jobs. You can watch that special event here.
Source: PhoneArena
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