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MOVIE: Titanic SUPER 3D, in cooperation with George Lucas, J.J. Abrams and Michael Bay!

Titanic is back, digitally upgraded with new 3D motion feel technology and in cooperation with George Lucas, J.J. Abrams and Michael Bay. Don't believe it? Watch the video after the jump.

The video above was posted by PistolShrimps on YouTube and is poking fun at the re-release of James Cameron’s Titanic in 3D.

Source: YouTube


  1. Mark Alfie VillazonJuly 25, 2013 at 12:23 AM

    andito na ang supporting actor.. hehe, tzek listings


    Awesome clip! This was funny and I couldn’t stop laughing.
    Titanic is one of my favorite movies and always has been. I’ve watched this
    movies dozens of times and I continue to do so using my DISH online feature. With
    my DISH online I can watch Titanic as well as thousands of movies or TV shows.
    I can also watch live TV or right off my DVR and with features like this I can
    enjoy more TV. I’ve watched more TV now than I have in the past ten years. I’m
    happy that my coworker from DISH told me about this feature offered with my


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