New updates on WD 2go app with the addition of Microsoft's SkyDrive cloud storage

Users can now use their smartphone or tablet to view, stream, download and manage all the media and files stored on their WD personal cloud storage device or SkyDrive and Dropbox. Using the free WD 2go mobile app for iOS and Android, users have full access to their personal cloud storage such as the My Book Live or My Net N900 Central, as well as public cloud accounts such as Dropbox, and now SkyDrive. Users can download files for offline access or uploading from their mobile device to their Dropbox or SkyDrive. More details after the jump.
Some information about the SkyDrive cloud storage:
- Users have full access to SkyDrive, and can both view and manage files
- Management features include copy, cut & paste, rename, delete and email (files)
- Users can manage exclusively within SkyDrive, or across to either DropBox or a WD personal cloud product. For example, they can copy a file (or files) from SkyDrive to a My Book Live product.
To read more about SkyDrive, please check out this link:
Note: This update is available on Apple App Store as well as Google/Android Play. This is essentially the same process of adding and managing your Dropbox.
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