Power Mac Center kicks off iPad training sessions, digital art contest for students

Students now have a chance to learn how they can maximize the features of Apple’s iPad to enhance their creativity with free training sessions being conducted by Power Mac Center as part of its first ever Multi-Media Series.
The free iPad training sessions seeks to empower young iPad users by increasing their awareness on how the ground breaking device and its comprehensive applications can inspire them to create a masterpiece. Open exclusively to seventh and eighth graders from the 20 valued education partners of Power Mac Center, the iPad training sessions will run until February 26 and comprise the first leg of the Power Mac Center Multi-Media Series.
During the course of the training sessions, Power Mac Center will simultaneously be holding qualifying rounds for its inaugural iPad Art Competition at each participating school. Three student representatives will qualify to the final round of the digital art contest which will be held on March 1 at the Power Mac Center Apple Authorized Training Center in Makati City.
Facilitated by the Power Mac Center Education Business Group in partnership with its Apple Authorized Training Center, the Power Mac Center Multi-Media Series aims to recognize today’s digital students and their artistic achievements with the help of Apple technology. These students are from Power Mac Center’s education partners which receive complete Apple technology solutions including faculty and information technology training, technical service support and maintenance, and genuine Apple products and accessories. The Multi-Media Series also marks the 20th anniversary this year of the most reliable Apple partner in the Philippines.
“Power Mac Center has been providing Filipinos with the complete Apple experience for two decades. As we commemorate this important milestone in our company’s history, we have launched the Multi-Media Series to teach the Filipino youth how to maximize the multimedia capabilities of their Apple products,” said Marketing Director Joey Alvarez.

Source: Power Mac Center
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