Power Mac Center creates the Philippines’ first mobile service center with Service Caravan

Apple Authorized Service Provider Power Mac Center (PMC) blazes the trail in customer service with the launch of Service Caravan, the first-of-its-kind mobile service center in the Philippines that responds to the changing after-sales service needs of Apple customers throughout the metro.
Conceptualized to provide the same reliability and convenience as that of a regular Power Mac Center Service Center, the Service Caravan is a travelling collapsible service center booth tailored to provide mobile service solutions, making it easier for valued clients to receive a complete Apple experience even while on the go.
Speaking about the launch of the Service Caravan, Power Mac Center Marketing Director Joey Alvarez said, “At Power Mac Center, we constantly innovate ways that keep up with the evolving needs of our patrons. With the Service Caravan, we are honoured to introduce a pioneering service platform that brings superior and responsive mobile services closer to the public.”
The Power Mac Center Service Caravan will have its inaugural run at the Upper Ground Floor of SM Megamall Bldg. A from May 15 to 21 between 10am to 10pm.
In charge of the Service Caravan are Apple Certified Engineers who will conduct consultation and diagnosis of Apple devices for free. The Service Caravan will receive these units for repair, quick fixes and external cleaning, as well as for the Trade-In, Trade-Up Program applicable only to operational Apple units.
Power Mac Center’s latest groundbreaking offering also features a retail area showcasing an array of premium Apple and third party products. Additionally, Power Mac Center Trainers will be on-site to answer inquiries on available training courses and schedule.
Visit the first Power Mac Center Service Caravan at SM Megamall. For more information, call the Power Mac Center Service Center Hotline at 725-4PMC (4762) or email serviceupdate@powermaccenter.com.
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