Tokyoflash releases the brand new limited edition Kisai Sequence LED watch

Tokyoflash Japan, an unconventional watch design company based in Tokyo has just released one of their latest creations, the new Kisai Sequence. Kisai Sequence reconfigures digital time in a cryptic yet easy to read way. More details after the jump.
With a custom made curved acrylic lens, sub-surface digital tube LEDs and an alternating pattern of raised cubes, the watch includes two different time display modes, date mode, alarm and six user-selectable animations. Kisai Sequence is a USB rechargeable watch and comes with blue or red LEDs and a black or white leather strap.
The LED display is activated at the touch of a button. When the time is not displayed, Kisai Sequence is a cool, modern wrist band with continuous alternating pattern of cubes throughout the polished acrylic lens and leather strap. Kisai Sequence features six user-selectable animation patterns. When turned on, your choice of animation will illuminate the display every 15 minutes between 6pm and midnight. You can turn this on or off in the settings.

One of the most attractive features of this watch design is the different material finishes. The stainless steel case has a polished frame and brushed sides complementing the highly polished lens and leather wrist band. Kisai Sequence is a light weight unisex watch and has a fully adjustable strap to fit large or small wrists.
Like all watches from Tokyoflash Japan Kisai Sequence is a limited edition design which means that it is guaranteed to be an original watch that not many other people own. The Kisai Sequence is available at the special release price of $109 (about Php4,800) and you can purchase one through Tokyoflash’s website.
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