Viber's first big treat for 2015: FREE VIBER for all Globe subscribers for an entire month!

The year 2015 starts with good vibes with us sharing our big thanks to the over 18 million Viber users in the country who have helped make us the no. 1 chat app in the Philippines. Together with Globe, we would like to spread more good vibes with everyone as we offer FREE VIBER TO ALL GLOBE USERS.
From January 13 to February 13, all Globe mobile and Tattoo subscribers can #ShareYourVibe and use Viber to communicate with friends and loved ones, free of charge. You heard it right. No purchase required, no promo required, no daily registration required, completely free.
“We’d like to thank our partner Globe for sharing the good vibes with us as we offer #FreeViber, allowing us to reach out to more Filipinos and enabling them to connect freely, without incurring any mobile data charges,” said Talmon Marco, Viber’s CEO.
#FreeViber with Globe will enable more Filipinos to have richer mobile sharing experience with free texts, calls, emoticons, stickers, push to talk, and the recently launched Viber Public Chats where they get 24/7 chats from their favorite celebrities and personalities.
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