Congratulations to the Mi In-Ear Headphones Lucky Winner!

Hello there Ilonggo Tech Bloggers! I know you are all tuned in to know the winner of one (1) fully gold plated Mi In-Ear Headphones raffled out last month!
But first, my deep appreciation to your sweet and interesting answers on the query we had posted about that timeless song on your playlist. Those songs, will be best described by a popular line in a track goes, “Just when I needed you most”.
And so this is it songers…Disclaimer: I only invented the word…
The lucky winner through Rafflecopter is:
Congratulations Karen Po! Please wait for the notification in your email plus instructions on claiming your prize.
And of course to all the ITB readers who joined. Don’t forget to make ITB part of your everyday net surfing routine. Have a good day everyone! ;)
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