Happy 10th Birthday YouTube!

One of the world’s most visited and known site, YouTube, will be celebrating its decade of success (need to elaborate?) this month.
A platform provider of video posts that may have or may not have been viral online, catering all categories on humans’ existence or even in the kingdom Animalia, or whatever, for the past 10 years in the whole wide world is having its first decade birthday!
Achievement unlocked, YouTube!
For this merry celebration, the site will be having the following activities you should watch out for:
A to Z Yoodle
YouTube gets a makeover for a day! A 10th birthday takeover of the YouTube logo on the YouTube homepage. What’s a Yoodle? It’s a fun themed doodle that incorporates the YouTube logo and appears on the homepage.
#HappyBirthdayYouTube Video
Stop and look back. A video round-up that celebrates some of the most memorable moments on the platform from A to Z. Are your favorites included? Find out by checking out this new video and other themed playlists at youtube.com/youtube10year
10 Years of YouTube Trends Infographic
Why YouTube is a sensation. A look at some of the most popular video trends from the last decade.
YouTube Trivia Game
A test for the ultimate YouTuber. Think you watch a lot of YouTube videos? How well do you know your YouTube A to Z’s? Test your YouTube knowledge by playing this new game at youtube.com/10.
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