Honda Philippines Launches BeAT FI eSp Series Scooter in Dumaguete

Honda Philippines, Incorporated (HPI) recently went down south of the country to launch its popular Honda BeAT FI eSp Series scooter and brought fun and lots of excitement.
The leading motorcycle manufacturer in the country recently went inside the campus of Silliman University in Dumaguete and served as a co-presenter of the annual Hibalag Booth Festival. This unique gathering featured various exhibits from different sectors such as farmers’ groups, business people and students in Dumaguete where they all showcased their produce, programs and policies in colourful booths.
After a rousing motorcade participated in by hundreds of Honda riders to open the Hibalag Booth Festival, HPI gave the community and the students at Silliman University a real treat and non-stop excitement by participating in various activities. These include the Cheer Dance Competition where Honda awarded a bounty of prizes to the best cheer dance group. Honda also handed out a special award—the Mr. Hibalag BeAT—during the Mr. and Ms. Hibalag competition to the candidate who expressed the best way on how one lets his BeAT out.
Honda also joined the entire Silliman University Student Government (SUSG) in advocating their desire to educate the youth through the power of musical expression and in promoting peace through the power of diversity.
And after three rip-roaring days of test-ride activities featuring Honda motorcycles, product displays and the Ultimate BeAT dance showdown that filled Silliman University with thrills and exhilaration, HPI finally unveiled the new Honda BeAT-FI eSp Series scooter through a delightful, music-filled concert that featured top alternative rock band Callalily. All throughout the night, Silliman University students rocked and danced the night away after witnessing the unveiling of Honda’s best-ever scooter yet that aims to revolutionize scooter riding in the country.
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