Globe, Bayan to Implement 8-digit format in Greater Metro Manila by October 6, 2019

In compliance with the directive of the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), all telephone numbers of Globe and Bayan customers in Greater Metro Manila with the 02 area code will move to an 8-digit format by October 6, 2019.
The NTC issued Memorandum Order No. 10-10-2017 on October 27, 2017 directing all telecommunications companies in the Philippines to migrate all customers within the area code 02 to 8-digit telephone numbers, from the existing 7 digits. This is to ensure that there will be sufficient resource pool to cater to the rapid growth of landline customers in major cities.
Earlier, the commission assigned each telecom operator with a public telecommunications entity (PTE) identifier as an additional prefix to its phone number. The assigned PTE identifier for Globe and its subsidiary Innove is “7." For instance, a Globe customer with an existing landline or DUO number of (02) 210-XXXX will have to use (02) 7210-XXXX come October 6.
Meanwhile, Globe subsidiary, Bayan Telecommunications, has "3" as its PTE identifier. A Bayan customer, for example, will have to change his or her number from (02) 220-XXXX to (02) 3220-XXXX.
Globe General Counsel Froilan Castelo said that the company is all set for October 6. “We are ready to migrate all customers with landline in Greater Metro Manila to 8-digit telephone numbers. Our teams are continuously working closely with the NTC and other telcos to assist affected customers before, during, and after the migration," he said.
The NTC and local telcos scheduled the migration on October 6, 2019 from 12 AM to 5 AM. During this period, affected customers may experience service interruption as telcos update their system to the new format.
The following are the 3-digit prefix for Globe and Innove which will require the assigned PTE identifier “7” at the beginning of the prefix: 210-219, 225, 238-239, 261, 263-266, 349, 358, 368-369, 473, 482, 500-509, 576-577, 585-587, 610-619, 621-625, 717-720, 728-730, 738-739, 744-748, 750-759, 791-799,900-910, 914-919, 933-934, 940, 943-946, 949-950, 954-960, 964, 966, 968, 970-976, 978, 980, 987, 989.
The following are the 3-digit prefix for Bayan, which will require the assigned PTE identifier ”3” at the beginning of the prefix: 220-224, 226-228, 262, 377-394, 406-419, 427-428, 430-440, 443-450, 453-456, 466-469, 474, 480-481, 483-499.
The National Complaint Hotline 8888 and emergency special numbers that are less than 7-digits and start with 1 or 9 such as Emergency Hotline 911, MMDA 136, Lifeline Arrows 16911, and Rescue Operations 161, among others, will remain the same.
The original migration date set by NTC was on March 18, 2019, but it was moved to a later schedule in response to petitions filed by the Bankers Association of the Philippines and Credit Card Association of the Philippines.
From October 6 to January 5, Globe said customers who will still incorrectly dial the old 7-digit number will hear a special announcement, saying the format has been changed to 8 digits.
Source: Globe Telecom
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