NTT’s Global Threat Intelligence Center March 2021 Monthly Threat Report
The NTT Ltd. March 2021 Monthly Threat Report takes a look at zero-trust, focusing on the eBook recently published by NTT in cooperation with Cisco. Diverse working environments, including remote working, are forcing organizations to consider different ways to protect those environments. With the current state of the world, organizations are being forced to not only keep up with rapidly changing demand of the market, along with internal and external users, but to move at the pace of every vulnerability, every threat actor, targeting the network. Building a zero-trust environment may be an efficient path to support the required resilience.

The report also provides a quick look at growing cyberthreats to the healthcare supply chain. Attacks against healthcare have been rising and evolving throughout the pandemic. These threats have the potential to not only steal data from healthcare organizations, but have the potential to extend those threats to the health and well-being of the people healthcare organizations are trying to protect.
Finally, it is not just healthcare patients at risk because of cyberattacks. A recent cyberattack against a water treatment plant included attempts to increase the flow of chemicals used to process contaminants in the plant. If the attack had not been stopped it could have made the water unsafe for human consumption. How do we treat a cyberattack when the only real goal of that cyberattack is to injure people?
The report was published on the Insights Page of the NTT Ltd. website (Friday 5 March 2021, 6pm PH time).
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